- Project Zomboid cервер з  Швеція

Версія: 41.78.16
0 із 21
Розташування:  Швеція
Доданий: 8 місяців назад
Інформація оновлена: 32 секунди назад
Карта: Muldraugh, KY
Muldraugh, KY

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4646 / 20633
Очки: 189
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_org_players   0
anticheat   1
appid   108600
bots   0
dedicated   d
description   Project Zomboid
description:18   A Double Experience Event Currently Active! \n \n tGoDz PVE2 server has a slight increase in difficulty compared to tGoDz PVE1
description:28   . \n The best vanilla like experience with multiplayer improvements and fixes. A great place to make friends and be part of an
description:38   amazing community. \n Pure PVE, new player friendly, safe houses, claim vehicles, x2 EXP, global chat, no infection, light RP a
description:48   nd helpful players.\n \n The longest running Zomboid Server! Since 02.2014. \n \n Hosting with professional hardware and stable
description:58    staff. \n Custom smart respawn scripts, keeping the world fresh with loot and places to explore. \n Anti-cheat. 1800+ Cheaters
description:68    Banned. Our permanent banlist is shared with all servers. \n Automatic restarts, backups and maintenance keeping the server ru
description:78   nning smooth. \n No world or character wipes unless future game updates requires it. \n \n Our Discord:
description:88   ord
edf_extradataflags   177
edf_gameid   108600
edf_gameport   16261
edf_steamid   90198083725448207
modcount   4
mods   GoDzServerB41;ValhallaAegis;eris_minimap;LogExtender
netcode   17
open   1
os   w
public   1
pvp   0
response_type   s
version   41.78.16
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