The year's results📊 We would like to share with you our successes over the year.

📈 The most pleasant news is the increase in website traffic. Comparing the visitor numbers for 2020 and 2021, the average increase in visitors was 51%! By the end of the year, there were already more than 110,000 unique visitors per month.
The growth of visitors by country (TOP 10):

  • Russia: +10%
  • Ukraine: +26%
  • Turkey: +102%
  • Germany: +80%
  • USA: +292%
  • Kazakhstan: +16%
  • Belarus: +19%
  • Indonesia: +712%
  • Brazil: +345%
  • Romania: +63%

🖥 The total number of servers in the list has grown by 15%!

♻ As we try to keep the list of servers clean, we have removed more than 42,000 servers in one year!

👍🏻 We have added support for 10 more different games during the year!